Student’s Right:
I have the right to learn, hear, and be heard in this school. This means that everyone should respect and follow the school rules that enhance my learning.
Student’s Responsibility:
It is my responsibility to help to maintain a calm, quiet school environment. I will not create any disturbances that would distract the learning of others. It is my responsibility to always abide by the instructions of supervising adults.
Consequences for not following the General Rules of Behavior could range from an oral warning to suspension outside of school. Disciplinary actions will be firm, fair, consistent, and progressive depending upon the student’s age, offense, prior disciplinary record, effectiveness of other forms of discipline, and investigated information.
Consequences for not following the General Rules of Behavior and Corridor Rules of Behavior could range from an oral warning to suspension outside of school. Disciplinary actions will be firm, fair, consistent, and progressive depending upon the student’s age, offense, prior disciplinary record, effectiveness of other forms of discipline, and investigated information.
Student’s Rights:
I have the right to attend an assembly or performance without distractions or disturbing behavior.
As a member of the audience I have the responsibility to behave in an appropriate manner.
Consequences for not following the General Rules of Behavior and Assembly Rules of Behavior could range from an oral warning to suspension outside of school. Disciplinary actions will be firm, fair, consistent, and progressive depending upon the student’s age, offense, prior disciplinary record, effectiveness of other forms of discipline, and investigated information.
I have the right to enjoy my lunch in a clean, orderly, and pleasant environment.
It is my responsibility to eat my lunch in a mannerly fashion, and exhibit behavior that will not offend others.
Consequences for not following the General Rules of Behavior and Cafeteria Rules of Behavior could range from an oral warning to suspension outside of school. Disciplinary actions will be firm, fair, consistent, and progressive depending upon the student’s age, offense, prior disciplinary record, effectiveness of other forms of discipline, and investigated information.
I have the right to expect the playground or recreation area to be safe and fun.
It is my responsibility to use the playground or recreation area in the proper manner, and to obey all safety rules. I have the responsibility to follow all instructions given by the supervising adult.
Teasing and name-calling are cruel and hurtful and will not be tolerated regardless of the reason.
Consequences for not following the General Rules of Behavior and Playground Rules of Behavior could range from an oral warning to suspension outside of school. Disciplinary actions will be firm, fair, consistent, and progressive depending upon the student’s age, offense, prior disciplinary record, effectiveness of other forms of discipline, and investigated information.
Consequences for not following the General Rules of Behavior and Indoor Recess Rules of Behavior could range from an oral warning to suspension outside of school. Disciplinary actions will be firm, fair, consistent, and progressive depending upon the student’s age, offense, prior disciplinary record, effectiveness of other forms of discipline, and investigated information.
The Bosti Behavioral Standards and Procedures are in conjunction with the District-Code-of Conduct. It is the responsibility of all students, parents, staff personnel, and administration to be familiar with and abide by all district policies, rules and regulations pertaining to the Code-of-Conduct.