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John Pearl Elementary School Rainbow

1070 Smithtown Avenue
Bohemia, NY 11716-3899
Principal: Brian Wrinkle



Follow Us for News, Pictures and School Information: 

Facebook:  John Pearl (Pearl Elementary School)

Instagram: @johnpearlelementary

Pearl Patter

  John Pearl Spirit Wear

Connetquot Spirit Wear


Our Mission Statement

The John Pearl School provides a safe and supportive environment based on respect and cooperation.  Together we can grow into learners who will contribute to our school and society.  Our goal is to provide all children with a lifetime of learning, achievement and success.


Our Motto

"Together We Can Reach Our Goals"


Pearl Acrostic

P – Polite

E – Eager

A – Always Helpful To Others

R – Respects Others and Property

L- Listens

Board of Education recognizes John Pearl TA’s heroic efforts

Melissa Walsh, a TA in one of John Pearl Elementary’s UPK classrooms thumbnail263675

On Jan. 14, the Connetquot Board of Education recognized the heroic efforts of Melissa Walsh, a TA in one of John Pearl Elementary’s UPK classrooms. On Nov. 19, Ms. Walsh dislodged a cheese stick from a UPK student’s throat during lunchtime. She quickly noticed that the child was in distress and took immediate action to save them. Thank you to Ms. Walsh and her swift response in aiding the student!

Date Added: 1/15/2025


5th Grade C-Quest students’ One Word project

Students working on their projects thumbnail263650

Fifth grade students from across the district in the C-Quest Enrichment Program chose a word that either defined them or chose a word to set a goal for the year.

After choosing their one word, they explored the outdoors, looking for the letters in their word. Using iPads, they photographed the letters then edited, enhanced through filtering, cropped and uploaded them to Google Slides. The slides were then printed, and the letters were cut out and put onto a poster, spelling their word in their environmental print! During their poetry unit, students wrote a free verse poem using their word in their poem.

Click here to view the 5th Grade C-Quest students’ One Word project slideshow.

Date Added: 1/14/2025

4th Grade C-Quest students visit Fire Island Lighthouse

Students in front of lighthouse thumbnail263651

To start off a unit about structures, fourth graders across the district in the C-Quest Enrichment Program studied the Fire Island Lighthouse. Students visited the lighthouse on a field trip, climbing the tower of 182 steps up and down. They also went on a nature walk to learn about the area, saw the Fresnel lens and participated in a United States Lifesaving Service presentation.

Afterwards, students created non-fiction, informational posters summarizing what they learned on their visit. They also took part in a culminating activity on electrical energy, building a model of the lighthouse which included a working electrical circuit.

Click here to view the 4th Grade C-Quest students visit Fire Island Lighthouse slideshow.

Date Added: 1/14/2025