Main Ensembles
Auditioned Ensembles
Drama Club
General Music / Guitar
7th and 8th Grades - Mrs. Alaimo
Contact: ealaimo@ccsdli.org
631-467-6000 ext. 4034
6th Grade - Ms. Moulton
Contact: rmoulton@ccsdli.org
631-467-6000 ext.4123
6th, 7th, and 8th Grades - Mrs. Micalizzi
Contact: jmicalizzi@ccsdli.org
Refer to Remind.com for lessons, recordings, and concert info.
6th, 7th, and 8th Grades - Mr. Murphy
Contact: mmurphy@ccsdli.org
General Music/Guitar
6th, 7th and 8th Grades - Dr. Saladino
Contact: fsaladino@ccsdli.org
Jazz Band
Show Choir
Chamber Orchestra
Mrs. Alaimo
631-467-6000 ext. 4034 Students wil learn the basics of jazz while encouraging a higher level of musicianship. This group is open to Band students of any band instrument in grades 6-8 by audition only.
Rehearsals: Wednesday mornings at 7:05am every week in the Band room. Listen for announcements and check the Jazz Band Google Classroom for updates.
Mrs. Micalizzi
Accelerated singers and dancers perform advanced repertoire in the Jazz, Broadway, and Pop styles. Extra performance opportunities offered. This group is open to all students in Chorus, in all grades, by audition only. Rehearsals: Every Tuesday from 7:00am-7:45am. Listen for announcements and check daily announcement/calendar on website.
Mr. Murphy
Expand the musical experience & repertoire of the orchestra student, allow gifted players to work at a higher level of proficiency & musicianship; Offer additional performance opportunities to string students. Open to students in grades 6, 7 and 8.
Rehearsals: Every Thursday after school, weekly. Listen for announcements and check daily announcement/calendar on website.
RMS Major Musical Production
(More info to come)